Write For Us
Calling all travel bloggers. We’re looking for awesome content creators to write for us in guest bloggy heaven.

Know the Caribbean like the back of your hand? Got an amazing story to tell about your travels? Then write for us because our readers would love to hear about it.
At Caribbean Warehouse we’re all about sharing knowledge. After all, knowledge is power right? But we also know there are some amazing travel bloggers out there who love the Caribbean as much as we do.
We’re always happy to hear from guest bloggers about potential bloggy collab hook-ups, cuddles with up-and-coming bloggers, musings with influencers and opportunities to shoot the breeze with travel lovers. We may even be persuaded by the odd brand or business looking to have their say on travel. Love is love.
Show us your mad skills
What we can get down with
Travel blogs are everywhere at the moment. But we’re only interested in those who have a penchant for the Caribbean (sorry, but it’s in our name).
Now, we love a good “15 things to do in…” post, but we’re also happy for you to take us through some of the other elements of travel. Tell us about your packing prep, plane panics or holiday fails.
We might be part of Blue Bay Travel but, right here, we’re a travel blog at heart. So, treat us like one! Here’s some nice example of posts we’d love a new perspective on.
Personal travel experiences will always grab our attention. But so will…
How to spend three days in….
We know all about the Caribbean, it’s part of the reason our amazing readers keep coming back to us (other reasons are our damn fine fashion choices and hella funny jokes). But, we find, the real gold dust lies in your ability to speak from experience, so tell us how to holiday. We won’t mind.
Things to do in…
It’s oldie but a goodie. If you can speak from experience about all the amazing things you can do in a certain Caribbean haunt, then we want to hear about it.
Reasons why we love…
If you can convey (in around 800 – 3,000) words just why you love a particular area of the Caribbean, you’ll have our undivided.
Quiz ideas
Everybody loves a Buzzfeed style quiz and we’ve been knocking them out left, right and centre. So, we’re always keen to hear your thoughts.
Photo blogs
You don’t have to give us an essay, send us through some snaps of your trip (at least 10 images) with around 500 words to further illustrate what you go up to. We’d also be happy to add links to your Youtube if you have some pertinent video content you’d like to share.
Be creative
If you have an idea for a piece which doesn’t sit within the above parameters then let us know. We’re an approachable bunch and if there’s one thing we like, it’s new ideas!

Guest blogging collabs
Now, this is where you’ll really impress us.
If you already have a super-smart travel blog we’d love to hear about any reciprocal guest blogging opportunites you may have.
Let’s face it, we’re all in this blogging game for two things: backlinks and to get pool in our garden. So, while we’re awiting for the latter of those opportunities to materialise, talk to us about how we can get some communal back-scratching going. You write for us, we’ll write for you.
What’s in it for you
We thought you’d never ask. Well there’s plenty in the ol’ blog back scratching game for you.
- Get your name (and articles) on a wider platform
- Share your stories and tips with an engaged audience
- Backlinks to your travel blog
- Coverage on our thriving social media platforms (300,000 followers on Facebook, 14.8k on Instagram, and 12k on Twitter)
Points of order
- We will not publish links to resorts which we do not offer. So check out our Caribbean Warehouse retail site to make sure your pad of choice is in our green list (sorry Boris)
- We’re pretty laid -back writers so make sure you read our articles and by down with our styling before you send anything in
- You may link out to two other pages in your article – unless you have a damn fine reason why you want more
- Source your own imagery and send as attachments – don’t add these to your copy as it sucks the quality out of them like a pixel-starved vampire
- Make sure you either own the images you send, or you’ve used the free image banks listed below
- It goes without saying, but we’re attracted to awesome spelling & grammar
- All articles must include at least one lead image (1600x800px) and four other images (800×400)
- We only want original content – don’t give us something regurgitated, copied and what we’ve written about before. You’re better than that
- Also, if it ain’t travel or related to travel, we ain’t publishing it