Get involved in week 1 of our weekly travel quiz. How well do you know the Caribbean?

Battle your Lockdown Boredom
As, most parts of, the UK struggle to come to terms with Lockdown 2: Return of the Zoom Quiz, we at Caribbean Warehouse thought it would be a great idea to launch a weekly travel quiz.
The plan is every Friday we’ll give you the opportunity to flex your travel knowledge muscles with a series of holidaying general knowledge questions. So, when we’re all allowed back out again, you can show off your geographical brains in front of your mates.

Think of it as just the geography or travel round of your local pub quiz, sorry we didn’t mean to say the “p” word we know that brings back painful memories of what we could be doing.
While lockdown Part 1 was happening we all became hopelessly addicted to the good old Zoom quiz. Our brainteasers will operate in a similar fashion.
We’ll test your knowledge of all things Caribbean, after all, that is our specialist subject. But don’t worry, this will be more pub quiz than Mastermind. Oops there we go again with that dreaded “p” word.
So, let’s get into it! Let us know how you get on
Caribbean Weekly Travel Quiz – Week 1
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Got the Quizzing Bug?
If you’ve aced that how about testing your flag knowledge next with our Caribbean flag quiz now. Or find out which Barbados hotel would be best for you just by picking some dogs. Just click the big green button below and take on our complete quizzing universe.