You may be a veteran of the Bajan coast, but are you willing to put your knowledge to the ultimate test with our Barbados quiz.
We all love Barbados, for years the island nation has been at the forefront of luxury when it comes to delivering paradise on earth. But how much more do you know about the place, other than it’s pretty? We’ll find out with our Barbados quiz.

Beat the lockdown blues
With half of the UK trying to fill out a home-schooling syllabus and the other half endeavouring to create brain-teasing zoom quizzes to fox their mates.
Let us take some of that head-scratching and tiresome research & development out of the equation for you.
Feel free take on our Barbados quiz and test your knowledge of this incredibly diverse country. Then why rob the questions and Bob’s your uncle, you’ve got a ready-made geography round!
So, how well do you know Barbados?
Which famous golfer got married in Barbados in 2004?

Mount Gay rum is the world’s oldest rum and it’s distilled in Barbados, but which year was is created?

The island’s name translates to ‘bearded lady’

Barbados was originally dubbed ‘Los Barbados’ which, actually, means "bearded one" by Portuguese explorer Pedro a Campos after the abundance of bearded fig trees on the island
What is the national sport of Barbados?

There are 1,000 rum shops on the island

There’s actually over 1,500!
What weapon is depicted on the flag of Barbados?

The weapon depicted on the flag is actually Neptune's trident which was taken from the country’s colonial crest. Now the shaft of the trident is broken to symbolise the country’s split from Britain
Which body of water completely surrounds Barbados?

How many species of bird are there in Barbados?

Barbados is home to flying fish and singing pigs?

Although, it's half true! Singing pigs don’t exist unfortunately, not in Barbados not anywhere. Flying fish, on the other hand, are prevalent in the country and are actually considered a delicacy
Which famous singer calls the island nation home?

Want more quizzy good times?
Now you’re all warmed up, why not test your general knowledge skills by taking on our hardest flag or landmarks quizzes.
Or click the big green button below to see out full range of Caribbean Warehouse quizzes & prove to everyone how much of a brainbox you are!