It’s time to find out whether a trip to Barbados or Mexico lies at the end of your Roadmap to Paradise.

Take our latest quiz and we’ll reveal whether your Roadmap to Paradise leads to Barbados or Mexico.
We recently told you all about the best Barbados resorts for your holiday buck. But should you even be thinking about the island?
Would Mexico suit you better?
Fear not, there’s no big decision to be made, just take our quiz and we’ll do the legwork for you.
Take the Barbados or Mexico quiz
First of all, choose some luggage

Choose an inflatable

Choose a beach

Tell us your evening meal choice process

Choose a meal

Choose a drink

Choose an excursion

Choose a pet (just because)

Share your Results:
Of course, we could be wrong…
It doesn’t happen often, but we’re human and (as anyone who’s been on a dating website will know) sometimes the science lies
So if you didn’t get the right result, or you fancy somewhere else for your big breakaway, click the big button below to see our latest awesome offers.
These are bound to brighten up your roadmap.